

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Truly my blessings!

I snapped this while my little ones were going through the arbor at my grandma's house. I think it's cute that,
sometimes when I'm lucky, they get along and hold hands.
These guys really are my blessings.
I'm just missing my rogue husband in the picture.
I'm so thankful that heavenly father has sent them to my care!
There's a new post on Lacy's Blessings.
Love, Lacy

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rose colored glasses

playing with texture
This may come as a shock to most of you especially those who know me really well, but...

I love flowers;)

Sometimes, I feel like Dorcas Lane on Lark rise to Candleford
Let me explain. Dorcas is always saying, "It is my one weakness." The cute little thing about that saying is that she says it about something new every episode.
So here I am saying Roses are my favorite flower.

Yes, I am aware I have said that about Lilacs, Violets, and Irises.

Really, I just love flowers and believe it or not

I do have a few that are not my favorites at all, Like Marigolds.
They stink.
but even Marigolds are useful for keeping bugs away.
Flowers can bring such color and beauty into the world that for a moment when you gaze upon it you forget all of your worries.
It's like wearing rose colored glasses.

Love, Lacy

Grandpa Gardiner on Lacy's blessings

New post-Grandpa Gardiner and My kids www.Lacysblessings.blogspot.com
Please leave my your email if you want access.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Indpendence day!

I feel so blessed on this 4th of July weekend to have the freedoms that I have!
Thanks so much to our troops and veterans!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


For those of you don't know, my middle name is Violet. Yes, I was named Lacy Violet! I have always loved my name. I also have always loved Violets, but not just because that was my middle name.

My mom has always had a huge array of African Violets growing in her piano room and they are always blooming with 10 blooms each, at least. I love to go and sit in her little room and just look at their loveliness!
I have two plants and I've waited for years to have them bloom more than 3 blooms and it's finally happening! They have been blooming for a month now and they are gorgeous. If I do say so myself...
But the best Violet is my precious little five year old princess named Violet.
Who on her first birthday 4 years ago picked off every bloom (which was about 4 blooms) off of my African Violets. Ha ha! I wasn't so happy about it, at the time, but I still found it very ironic and laughed at it.
Thanks for stopping by!
Love, Lacy